Publishing in Skopein

Permanent call for papers,,es,To apply Article,,es,you must first complete the following form,,es,and then send the item to the address in the same,,es,taking into account the terms and conditions for application,,es,Loading…,,es

We are in constant search of people related to criminology science in any field: graduates, students or professionals path, who they want to contribute on a regular or occasional articles from his unpublished authorship, related to the subject, to be published in the Journal skopein numbers.
In this manner, we give our readers a space to disseminate their scientific research, encouraging those visionaries to take the first step in what may be the inspiration for new future knowledge.
Para postular su artículo, deberá primero completar el siguiente formulario, y luego enviar su artículo a la dirección indicada en el mismo, taking into account the terms and conditions for application,es.

Basis for the application


You can enter any interested person who is a student, received or Untitled, who is knowledgeable on the subject based on the experience.

Students: those who are conducting research, such as theses, may submit a summary thereof, You noting the state that is (by paying, approved).

professionals received: mention the institution and year of obtaining the degree.

Professionals from experience: a brief mention of the trajectory.

Interested persons: They can write only opinion pieces.


In principle items are divided into three classes: Research articles, dissemination and opinion.

All sources or citations (if any) they must be mentioned explicitly. The author is responsible for what he writes.

Research articles: They are reporting results of own experiments.

Articles dissemination: investigations are based on literature and written.

Opinion articles: Reviews informed about issues.

To send an item must download the form and complete it, write a brief summary or abstract thereof together with a list of keywords, and place the contents of the article in the related section. The images also should be placed in the indicated section, I provide the source from which was obtained, or clarifying that it is itself the author.


general selection guidelines:

  1. It must provide the following information: first and last name / author / s, degree obtained and / or profession, email address and date of the article.
  2. Accompanying the article, it must contain a brief summary (abstract) thereof does not exceed 200 words, and include a list of no more than eight (8) keywords related to your content.
  3. Where possible, It should include a representative image of the subject that is developed in the article to free choice of the author, I accompanied the source of where the extracted (should not be their own).
  4. He did not publish more than one article by author, in each issue of the magazine.
  5. Articles must be submitted in Spanish.
  6. The article must be unpublished: It is found in a previous publication to the application of the same, It will be automatically rejected.
  7. It will take into account both the scientific contribution as drafting the same. The aim of the journal is to inform research and exhibit no technical expert reports.
  8. No items whose central axis is politics or religion treated trivially or only limited to criticism of them will be admitted.
  9. If there are doubts among the selection of two items, It will prioritize the author's previous publications have fewer.
  10. He published more than two articles by subject area (ballistics, vial accidentología, crime scene, criminología, etc.) in the same number.
  11. Papers should be submitted in the format ".doc" or similar, that allows reading and editing in a text processor that supports this format.
  12. Extension: between 2500 y 7500 words.
  13. It can be attached graphics, illustrations, images, etc..
  14. To highlight parts of the text you should use letter bold.
  15. When words are used in a language other than Spanish, neologisms or technical terms, letter is used italics, not bold or underlined.
  16. The quotes from over 40 words must be in a separate paragraph with left indent and right 3.5 cm., single space, in the same typeface and size of the rest of the article, citing the source format Author / Year / Page.
  17. The article must be written in its entirety by a human,es,Our team will make verifications to corroborate that it has not been written by any artificial intelligence,es. Nuestro equipo realizará verificaciones para corroborar que el mismo no haya sido escrito por ninguna inteligencia artificial.
  18. The bibliographical references must appear in footnotes or in the same text format Author / Year,es, plus, repeated in a final reference list called "Bibliography", in alphabetical order, respecting the APA system (2010). Examples:

Lombroso, Cesare (1899). Man Delinquent, Vol. 2. Roma: Fratelli Bocca.

Journal articles or magazines:
Srihari, Sargur N.; Srinivasan, Harish; Fang, Gang (2008). Discriminability of Fingerprints of Twins. Journal of Forensic Identification 58 (1), pp. 109-127. Temecula (THAT): IAI Publications.

Journal article (daily):
Downes, Patricio (25 June 2006). British invasions: the greed of a trader, British engine arrival. Clarin daily, pp. 44-45.

Electronic journal articles:
Allegretti, Juan C. (2014). Actual implementation of biometric systems, Skopein, year II, No. 5, pp. 6-11. Retrieved from

Job submission constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions published by the authors.

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